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MidSouth Cleaning and Restoration Association

Connecting professional restorers and cleaners in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia & Tennessee.

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MidSouth Cleaning and Restoration Association is a non-profit association of specialists dedicated to providing high quality services to their customers in the art of cleaning and restoration.

If you're looking for partners in business who are committed to these same principles, we're looking for you.

With MCRA, you join an alliance where:

  • Becoming better in business is our Pursuit
  • Sharing knowledge and expertise is Essential
  • Commitment to high ethics is the Standard
  • Caring about community is a Priority
  • Checking egos at the door fosters Cooperation


"Membership in MCRA has enabled me to build relationships with partners that have helped me in every aspect of my company.  Best of all, there are no egos!  If I need help on a job, I can call my friends at MCRA and depend on them to help me - not because there's something in it for them, but because we genuinely care about helping each other in times of need."

Katie Smith

PHC Restoration

"This was one of the best meetings we've had in years. Carpet cleaners, cleaning and restoration companies. We are an organization for cleaners and we came together at this meeting."

Scott Finney

Five Step Carpet Care

"I can't say enough great things about our member presenters and all of the top notch networking that we got to do with our members. I feel that this association has been one of the biggest contributors to my success as a restoration contractor.  I feel that we have the best of the best representing our industry and I am very proud to be a part of it. " 

Josh Moore

First Call Cleaning and Restoration Services


MidSouth provides its members superior resources and mutual support so that they, in turn, deliver with integrity to their customers, services and products which meet or exceed industry standards.


A membership with MCRA provides an array of benefits while allowing you to connect with experts, suppliers, and peers in the cleaning industry.

Join Now

Karen Clendening

Executive Director
Office: (727) 735-3232


5603-B West Friendly Ave.

PMB 289

Greensboro, NC 27410

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